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Śnieżycowy Jar

20 km from the cottage there is a beautiful floristic nature reserve in the village of Starczanowo.

Established by the Order of the Minister of Forestry and Wood Industry in 1975 to protect one of the few spring snowstorm sites in Wielkopolska.

The reserve is located in a military area and belongs to the Biedrusko military training ground, therefore entry is usually possible only on selected weekends during flowering - early spring. You can enter the reserve with your dog, provided that it will be kept on a leash, it will only move along the trail and will not make it difficult for other people to visit it.




You can read the current information on the website


and on

Nature Reserve



In the woods of the Notecka Forest, 3 km from our facility, there is a place commemorating the tragic events of World War II.

In a 130-year-old pine forest, on an area of 1.5 - 3 hectares, there are graves hiding the ashes of about 12,000 people brutally murdered by the Nazis in 1939 - 1941. Among the murdered were nearly 1,200 patients of the psychiatric hospital in Owińska,

100 British prisoners of war, as well as numerous people from Poznań, Bydgoszcz and Toruń. These people were brutally shot, then buried and buried in mass graves.

In 1943, in order to hide the traces of the crime, the graves were dug up and the bodies were burnt.

This place, although located near a busy road, is a little-known monument to the criminal activities of the Nazis. It is called "Polish Katyn" among the local population.

The grave in the Rożnowickie forests

The wooden branch church in Wełno, dedicated to the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, is one of the most outstanding examples of baroque architecture and art in Greater Poland, as well as on a national scale.

It was founded by Wojciech Rydzyński, the heir of the Woolno estate, the teacup of Kalisz, then the castellan of Lędzki, and his wife Anna née Praga.

It was built in I729. on the site of a previously existing wooden church,

and the interior decoration was entrusted to a famous painter and sculptor, Franciscan Adam Swach from the Franciscan monastery in Poznań.

On September 11, 1780, the most significant historical event in its history took place in the church, which was the wedding of the author of "Mazurek Dąbrowski"

Józef Wybicki and his second wife Estera Wierusz Kowalska.

The historic church in Wełna

There are four objects open to the public on the premises of the museum.

The Miller's House, located on the hill, houses an exhibition of Windmill Models by Mr. Feliks Klaczyński.

We can see post-windmills, Dutch windmills and coats made in 1:40 scale, located in our past, some of them still today.

The reconstruction of the Czacz Windmill is one of the greatest attractions. The commissioned post-windmill invites all guests to visit its interior. On the ground floor, we can see the entire construction of the trestle with vehicles, and on the floors, the interior and equipment of a typical working windmill.

The Przymłyńska Stable is a facility with an exhibition showing us traditional grain processing.

We will see there how the milling industry and devices related to it developed, starting with milling, walking, and ending with mills and grinders.

Młyn Wodny - The heart of the former mill settlement. In the building from the 19th century there is an exhibition entitled "Industrial milling technique."

On four floors, we can see the mill's production cycle in a rotary system.

We also encourage you to visit the website of the Museum

In our neighborhood, in Jaracz, there is the Milling Museum

Nordic Walking



Our Chata is located on the Wełna River in the village of Rożnowice in the Nadnotecka Primeval Forest.
You will find many attractions to spend your time here.
I will describe some of them for you.




I also recommend checking the website of state forests where you will find many interesting places


Guide to the area

  1. pl
  2. en

Rożnowice 38 , 64-610 Rogoźno




64-610 Rogoźno

Rożnowice 38

Strona www stworzona w kreatorze WebWave.